Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tree Hut Drawing
We have been learning how to use adjectives to describe a mood and atmosphere. Here is a picture of our tree house that my group made and the adjectives to describe the mood. I enjoyed writing new and different words. I thought it was hard because a lot of people were detracting me.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Maths problem
Kia ora
Monday, 7 September 2020
Helping Team Maunga iti and Team Maunga
Hello everyone,
Last week my class went on a trip for a whole week. They called the trip, The Ski Trip. They were going on a trip to Mt Ruapehu to go skiing. I didn't go because it was too expensive. You had to pay 300 dollars to go, so I didn't go. With everyone in my class gone, the only people that didn't go were two boys and one girl, their names were Shiah, Anderw J and Cruz.
On the first day, I found out that I was helping in two classes called Team Maunga iti and Team Maunga. They were the class rooms that have the 5, 6 and 7 year old's. I mostly had to help the 5 year old's ( Team Maunga iti ). I helped them with their art, reading, writing, number counting and sounding out. From then on I felt like a teacher aid. I felt like I was the boss. Then on Friday, to help me and the teacher I had an extra helper, Cruz. She is very good at art. The week was very fun but a little challanging but it was still fun. I hoped you liked my week story.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Feet Measurement
Hello everyone,
Today, I will be showing you my measurement feet graph. I only measured three people's feet. I named them so you know who's feet are who's. The people are Sydney-rose, Max and Buster. I did it on a google slide. This is how I did it. First I had to try and measure all of their feet, by estimating without using anything. Next I had to find some wool and cut the end of the wool. Then I had to try and estimate the wool length without using anything again. Then finally I got to measure the wool using a 1 metre ruler. You can now see my slide and the feet sizes in centimetres.
Plate tectonics
Hello bloggers,
We did an experiment to learn about plate tectonics and how the movement of the plates help shape New Zealand. I learned how the shapes move and how earthquakes happen. It happens by the plates moving by either divergence, convergence or transform. Here are some photos from my experiment. Can you guess what we used for magma?
Thursday, 23 July 2020
PECO book setting
Today I will be blogging a PECO book setting. PECO is a book that my class and I are reading. I had make a google drawings about my favourite setting in the PECO book. There was many, many settings to choose from, but there was a setting that I really enjoyed. It was about a boy called Nicolas Clark and he had ADHD. One day there was another boy called Daniel which is the cousin of Nicolas. They went for bike ride to a beach. Nick went down the beach and three Sea-lions came out the water. Nick scared of them really quickly. Here is my google drawing.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
The New Zealand Merganser
Today I finished working on a google slide show. The learning behind the task was researching and finding out what the birds are and how it became extinct. I had to research about a bird could the New Zealand Merganser. I had to work with a buddy, his name was Andrew. We had to work on separate slides but we got some ideas off each others slide. What I found easy was finding links to some info about the New Zealand Merganser. What I found hard was find the answers to my questions. What I learned was re - reading my slide show, and getting some new facts about the New Zealand Merganser.You can see my work below.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
My rocket trip to the moon
Today I just finished doing my rocket trip story. The learning behind the task is to find out where each explanation mark and apostrophe goes. I had to place a flag on top of the moon. I had a partner with me so it would be faster to land on the moon. When we arrived at the moon we felt so good and well. I did my story in my book for a draft, then I did it on my real copy. What I found hard was getting the draft writing and re-writing it on my chrome book. What I found easy was writing my story in my book. I did it on a google slide. You can see my slide below.
Matariki Myth
A few weeks ago my class and I did a Matariki myth. I wanted to put a little bit of Maori in my myth. We all had to make our myths up. I also wanted to make my myth based on Papatuanuku and Rangi's separation. I wanted it to be sad and scary at the same time. Finally, when I finished my myth I re-read it so it was perfected. What I found hard was figuring out what it should be based on. What I found easy was writing down how the Matariki sisters went into the sky. You can now see my work below.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Chicken Diva
For the past few weeks, my class and I have been doing a piece of art based on chicken divas. Everyone in my class did a head of their chicken divas, and some other people did a whole body of their chicken divas. But I did something very different than theirs. I did an eye the shows what the pashent looked like. It was based on kids judging and parents judging the chickens on the run way. What I found hard was the pasteling all of the little chickens.What I found easy was deceratioing my art work. You can see my work below.
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Multiplication Wheels
Today I worked with my partner Corrin and we did and multiplication wheels task. We did our multiplication all the way up to the tens multiplications. I did get some wrong but then I can learn more about the multiplication that I got wrong. The ones that I got all right was the 1, 2, 5 and 10's ones. The ones that I did get wrong were the 3, 6, 7, 4, 9 and 8 time tables. In my three time tables I got 8x3=, 9x3=, 7x3= and 6x3= wrong. 6x8=, 6x6=, 6x7=, 6x9= and 6x4= wrong. 7x8=, 7x6=, 7x7 and 7x9= wrong.
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Day's and Months of the year
I have just finished doing a fun activity. It was all about the day and months of the year. I did this activity on a slide show and it was very enjoyable. I also wrote down the days and the months in Te Reo Maori as well as English. What I found hard was finding the days and months in Te Reo Maori. What I found easy was writing down the days and months in English. What I learnt was finding out new words in Te Reo Maori. You can see my slide show below my text.
ANZAC Board Game
I have made a Google Drawings based on a ANZAC board game that I have made. My board game has 4 challenging stages. My board game has rules and stages. This board game requires 2 or more people, a counter or playing piece for each person and a dice to play this game.
Each player places their counters or playing pieces at the start mark on the board. Each player takes turns of rolling the dice. Which ever number the dice lands on is how many spaces the player can move on the board. Here are the rules.
NZ Hero: Willie Apiata
For the past 1 week I have been working on a reading task. It had to be about hero's. I was given people to choose from. Those people were Willie Apiata, Valerie Adams, Richie McCaw, Fire fighters and the rescue helicopter crew. I chose Willie Apiata for my hero. I was given a lot of questions to answer. What I found hard was to find a good website to find my answer for he questions. What I found easy was writing down the answers. What I enjoyed was write new facts about Willie Apiata. Here is my slide show.
Friday, 24 April 2020
How to make ANZAC Poppies
You will need:
1 red New World or Warehouse reusable shopping bag
1 black plastic bottom from the shopping bag
1 dinner plate
1 saucer
1 glass
A pencil or pen to draw the circles
1. On one side of the shopping bag, draw around the dinner plate
2. On the other side of the shopping bag, draw around the saucer
3. On the black plastic, draw around the glass
4. Cut out the circles you have just drawn
5. Carefully poke the pin through the middle of the black circle and set aside for later
6. Lay your 2 red circles on top of each other with the bigger circle on the bottom
7. Fold the circles in half and then fold them in half again the other way
8. Hold the point of the circle and fold out the edges of the poppy
9. Get your black circle with the pin in it and carefully poke it through the centre of the poppy
10. Carefully bend the end of the pin at the back so you don't get pricked by it
Hang the poppy on your fence when you Stand at Dawn for ANZAC Day
Thursday, 23 April 2020
ANZAC Biscuit
Today my class and I were baking ANZAC biscuits altogether on an online video call site.
Mum and I followed along with Mrs A's baking recipe.
I learned how to make ANZAC biscuits ready for ANZAC Day.
What I found hard was not spilling the ingredients when I poured them into the measuring cups.
What I found easy was baking with my mum.
Here are the ANZAC biscuits we made.
Then we had to make our own recipe. I got a tip from my mum to figure out what other flavour ANZAC biscuits we could make.
We decided to make Chocolate ANZAC biscuits.
We decided to swap some of the coconut with cocoa powder and also swap the golden syrup and replace it with vanilla essence.
I made the recipe on a Google Drawing so you can see my recipe.
Me and my mum baked the Chocolate ANZAC biscuits with my recipe. Here are our Chocolate ANZAC biscuits.
Measurement time
I have done a hand on the clock task for me to do independently. I have really enjoyed this activity because it is so much fun and easy to learn. What I found hard was adding up the numbers on the clock to see what the time was. What I found easy was getting to know what hand was the minute and what hand was the hour. I did this task on a Google Slide. You can see my work below.
Tortoise / Turtles differences and similarities
I have done a differences and similarities doc based on tortoises and turtles. At first I thought that it will be impossible for me to do this doc, but after reading what my teacher has set up for me I completely fell right into my piece of work. I have filled in
all of my boxes of what is different and what is the same about them. I enjoyed this activity because it is so fun and enjoyable. What I found hard was reading the article and finding what is the differences and what is the same about the two animals ( tortoises and turtles ). I have put my doc on this blog post I hope you like it.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Why our environment should be litter free
Littering is a very common thing to us humans and animals ( land animals and sea animals ). Littering is bad for the environment and our animals. If you trow stuff in the sea such as glass bottles or plastic straws in the sea it will really affect the sea life animals. And also for the land animals like a cross river gorilla which is also non as the Critically Endangered. You should really think before you do something when you are at the beach or when you are near the water or when you are going camping. Please don't litter, it really hurts our sea and land animals.
Hayley's animal report ( litter free )
I did a animal report about why you shouldn't litter. My animal was a turtle. I had to write my opening statement, my animals' appearance, diet, habitat, threats, reproduction and finally my closing statement. This activity was one of my homework tasks after my school got shut down for 4 weeks because of Covid 19. So I ended school early because of what was going around ( Covid 19 ). When I started doing this report, well at first I didn't even know what to do for my opening statement, but now I think it was easy and enjoyable. You can see my work below.
Whitebait movie
In the last whitebait blog post I did a fish bone diagram for Whitebait Fritters; a story that Mrs A has been reading to us in class. Today, I did a movie based on the same story - Whitebait Fritters. It was really fun. I worked with a buddy, her name is Ariana Craig. We have been working hard on this movie so you can enjoy it. We did a green screen to do show the whitebait in our movie. What I found hard was talking to the camera when there was a word I didn't know. What I found easy was the writing for the movie and to say which letter we were on (based on the science principles of MRS GREN which are movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition). I learn't so many things about Whitebait just from this task. This week we learnt so much about Whitebait and MRS GREN. Here is our whitebait movie.
Monday, 16 March 2020
Fake whitebait fritters
Making fake whitebait fritters.
This term for our novel study, Mrs A read us Whitebait Fritters which is a novel written by a Kiwi author Kingi McKinnon. My favourite part in Whitebait Fritters was when the characters, Wiremu and his dad Hone went to go to their family hide out which is only to be used when their family is going fishing for whitebait.
because we can’t afford to buy real whitebait. We used grated potato to take
the place of whitebait and mixed it with eggs and onions. They were really tasty.
Then we had to write out the recipe, put it on a Google Drawing and add some
images. You can see my work below.
Friday, 13 March 2020
DNA Bracelet
Today I did a bracelet to represent my DNA. At first I needed to find my first and last initials, then I used my piece of paper to see what I had circled about my DNA. Brown bead equalled brown hair, a black bead equalled no hitchhikers thumb, wavy hair will be purple, purple bead for no widows peak, green bead for hand clasp, left thumb on top of the right thumb, blue bead for what hand I write with ( right hand ), pink bead for freckles, green bead for dimples, black bead for cleft chin, orange bead for a detached ear, pink bead only if I can roll my tongue and lat be not least what colour eyes. I have a brown bead for brown eyes. After that we all moved to the fun part, and that is..... the beads. So what ever I circled on my piece of paper I had to get that answer that I circled and find the correct colour bead. After I had finished doing the beads part there is one more thing that I need, and that is ....... the start of my last name. That is my bracelet. Here is a picture of it.
Science 1 Science: Me and my DNA
This term for science we are learning all about how the human body works and how special we all are. We are also trying to learn how to think and act more like a scientist. So, Miss Fletcher asked us to look at our faces in the mirror and write down notes about what we look like. The information had to be precise and clear so that when someone read it, it would help them find the person it described quickly. It was a bit like being a detective. You had to look and notice things carefully.
Maths 1 Maths: Geometry Safar
This term for maths we have been learning in a team. We went on a Geometry Safari around the school grounds to see how many 2D and 3D shapes we could find. Then we had to write what we had found into a table. I worked in a group with Manea, Kayla, Mikalya, Ngarino and I. You can see ours below.
playground. Here is our list of what we found and where.
What shape did you find?
Is it 2D?
Is it 3D?
What is it part of or where was it?
Picnic Table
4 Square
Centre of court
Sandpit Pole
Fling Fox
Field Cone
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
whitebait fish bone
Team Moana has been given a tast for this week. The tast is based on whitebait this week. I have done a fish bone diagram for whitebait. A fish bone diagram is a tast which is based on Mrs Gren. Mrs Gren is Movement, Respiration, Senses, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition. That is what Mrs Gren means.