
Wednesday 14 October 2020

Tree Hut Drawing

Kia Ora,


We have been learning how to use adjectives to  describe a mood and atmosphere. Here is a picture of our tree house that my group made and the adjectives to describe the mood. I enjoyed writing new and different words. I  thought it was hard because a lot of people were detracting me. 
Can you guess the mood and atmosphere?

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Maths problem

 Kia ora

We have been learning about how to use Compatible Numbers. Compatible Numbers are any two numbers which add together to make a Tidy Number 
(a  number which ends in zero).  We had to choose two Compatible Numbers and another number. Then we had to think of a word problem which used our numbers and give the problem to a buddy to solve. Mrs Ogle, our maths facilitator, said this is called 'posing problems'. 

My problem was Heidi has 74 pink teddies, 3 blue teddies and 56 yellow teddies. How many teddies does she have
?The answer was 133. How I did it was that I did 74+56=130. Then I did + 3, and the answer was 133.

Monday 7 September 2020

Helping Team Maunga iti and Team Maunga

 Hello everyone,

Last week my class went on a trip for a whole week. They called the trip, The Ski Trip. They were going on a trip to Mt Ruapehu to go skiing. I didn't go because it was too expensive. You had to pay 300 dollars to go, so I didn't go. With everyone in my class gone, the only people that didn't go were two boys and one girl, their names were Shiah, Anderw J and Cruz.

 On the first day, I found out that I was helping in two classes called Team Maunga iti and Team Maunga. They were the class rooms that have the 5, 6 and 7 year old's. I mostly had to help the 5 year old's ( Team Maunga iti ). I helped them with their art, reading, writing, number counting and sounding out. From then on I felt like a teacher aid. I felt like I was the boss. Then on Friday, to help me and the teacher I had an extra helper, Cruz. She is very good at art. The week was very fun but a little challanging but it was still fun. I hoped you liked my week story.

Friday 21 August 2020

Feet Measurement

 Hello everyone,

Today, I will be showing you my measurement feet graph. I only measured three people's feet. I named them so you know who's feet are who's. The people are Sydney-rose, Max and Buster. I did it on a google slide. This is how I did it. First I had to try and measure all of their feet, by estimating without using anything. Next I had to find some wool and cut the end of the wool. Then I had to try and estimate the wool length without using anything again. Then finally I got to measure the wool using a 1 metre ruler.  You can now see my slide and the feet sizes in centimetres.

Plate tectonics

 Hello bloggers,

We did an experiment to learn about plate tectonics and how the movement of the plates help shape New Zealand. I learned how the shapes move and how earthquakes happen. It happens by the plates moving by either divergence, convergence or transform. Here are some photos from my experiment. Can you guess what we used for magma?

Thursday 23 July 2020

PECO book setting


Today I will be blogging a PECO book setting. PECO is a book that my class and I are reading.  I had make a google drawings about my favourite setting in the PECO book.  There was many, many settings to choose from, but there was a setting that I really enjoyed. It was about a boy called Nicolas Clark and he had ADHD. One day there was another boy called Daniel which is the cousin of Nicolas. They went for bike ride to a beach. Nick went down the beach and three Sea-lions came out the water. Nick scared of them really quickly. Here is my google drawing.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

The New Zealand Merganser

Kia ora,

Today I finished working on a google slide show. The learning behind the task was researching and finding out what the birds are and how it became extinct. I had to research about a bird could the New Zealand Merganser. I had to work with a buddy, his name was Andrew. We had to work on separate slides but we got some ideas off each others slide. What I found easy was finding links to some info about the New Zealand Merganser. What I found hard was find the answers to my questions. What I learned was re - reading my slide show, and getting some new facts about the New Zealand Merganser.You can see my work below.